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- Olinda Golf Club first rounds at Cardinia Beaconhills
Category : Competition
Date Posted : 7th January 2017

Olinda Golf Club commenced playing at the Cardinia-Beaconhills Golf Links on Tuesday
3rd And Saturday 7th January 2017. Both rounds were attended with good membership numbers even though
it was Summer holidays and on Saturday a stinking hot day of 36 degrees celcius.
Tuesdays round, played in lovely sunny conditions saw the introduction to our new members
from the Emerald Golf Club (Peter Clowes, Peter Jones, Leigh Morison, Geoffrey Whittaker) and one of
our associate members, Jill Sullivan, becoming a full member and introducing herself to the broader membership.
The Tuesday competition also indicated that the course might suit some players more than others. Bruce Williams
in particular seems think the course is to his liking, with his higher than normal handicap of 12, he would win
overall honours with 40 points.
Saturday's first round was an early affair due to scheduling constraints at CBH. However the 7:45am
commencement time suited the members that played as the day became a stinker later on. It was also the first glimpse
of the Hills back nine that the club will fleetingly play during our tenure at CBH. It was great to see another
Emerald Golf Club face who joined the club (Broc Reynolds) playing for the first time.
Somehow Bruce Williams won overall honours again with another 40 points, and the handicap
now proceeds to plummet. Garry O'Brien managed to win the B grade with a meagre 31 points.
- King of the Hills
Category : Events
Date Posted : October 2017
The annual King of the Mountain began as a 36-hole club event which was a tribute to the physical demands
the hilly Olinda Course made. During the 1970s it expanded to become an invitation event with sponsor-ship
(both naming rights and for particular holes). At its peak, it had a capacity field of over 100 starters and a
shot-gun start. Unfortunately, in the early 2000s declining course maintenance saw it revert to a club competition again.
In that form, it survived during the years at Emerald.
However, 2017 saw the resurrection of the signature event under a new name (King of the Hills) and run in conjunction with
Cardinia Beaconhills on Grand Final Friday Public Holiday attract a full field, even greater sponsorship and promise of a
bright future.

